Road Running & Speed Walking
You can join our road running and speed walking clubs at anytime!
- Annual membership: $235
- Seasonal membership: $105
(4 months: January to April, May to August, September to December).
Registration fees include mandatory affiliation with Fédération d'Athlétisme du Québec.
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Adult Road Running Programs (18 years old +)
Head Coach : Francisca Rüssli

Recreational Road Running
- Recreational road running group: 3 or 4 training sessions per week (including 2 supervised sessions), from 5 km to a half-marathon.
- For runners who run primarily for fitness and well-being and who do not necessarily plan to enter competitions.
- To join the recreational runners, the participant must be able to run 5 km in about 32 minutes and 1 hour continuously.
Competitive Road Running
- Competitive road running group: 4 or 5 training sessions per week (including 2 supervised sessions), from 5 km to a marathon.
- For advanced runners who can accumulate mileage and who like to take part in competitions. Some target competitions are included in the program in May, September and October.
- To join the competitive road running group, the participant must be able to run 5 km in about 26 minutes.

Road Running for Beginners
- Road running for beginners: 2 training sessions per week.
- For people who want to start running or those who want to get back in shape.
- Except in the winter, training sessions mainly take place on the track.
- There are no requirements to join this group.
Adult Speed Walking Program (18 years old +)
Coach : Karine Champeau
Speed Walking
- 3 or 4 training sessions per week (including 2 supervised sessions) on the track, the LaSalle cycling path or Angrignon Park.
- This walking program which aims at developing one’s cardiovascular and motor skills, is an excellent way to improve your physical condition.
- During the training sessions, the participants alternate between different walking speeds from a natural pace to a more dynamic pace.

Examples of training programs for the recreational, competitive and speed walking groups:
Training Schedule and Location
Group training sessions supervised by a coach:
- Monday and Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.
- Point of departure: Pearson Adult and Career Centre 8310, rue George, LaSalle OR Parking of the Fritz-Prévost track (summer)
- Training: On the track, along the river and in the streets around the PACC in winter
Operation of our Programs
- Every four weeks, the head coach sends the group programs to all members by email.
- Supervised group training sessions on Monday and Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM on the Fritz-R.-Prévost track or on the cycling path.
- All training sessions start with warm-ups and drills and end with stretching and strengthening exercises.
You want to join Kilomaîtres LaSalle?
Nothing could be easier! Click on the Registration button below to access the site of our registration services supplier.
- Annual membership: $235
- Seasonal membership: $105
- (4 months: January to April, May to August, September to December).
Want to try out and see if you like the group, the programs and the coaches? We’ll give you two free sessions to do so!